Gift cards

Currently, there are no estatica gift cards available for purchase. They are generally handed out to new group members as a welcome gift. If you find yourself in possession of an estatica store gift card, this is what you should do to use it:

1 - If you are a group member, before anything else, wear your group tag.
2 - Wear the card. It should appear in your screen.

3 - Left-click the vendor with the product you wish to buy. The product image should appear in your gift card.

4 - Click the "BUY NOW" button on the gift card. If the value of the item is inferior to the amount in the notecard, the purchase should happen instantaneously. If the value of the item is higher, it will ask confirmation to pay the remaining value.

Note: In the end if you are a store group member and if what you purchased costs more than your gift card, you will receive a 10% discount of the lindens you paid (not the 10% discount of the full price of the item)

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